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NHSO to push for uniting national health security reform
NHSO to push for uniting national health security reform
National Health Security Office (NHSO) to collaborate with multi-stakeholders in achieving the single-payer healthcare reform.
On 1 March, the NHSO board chaired by Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul approved the implementation of the "national health security reform" roadmap, aiming to create unity and fairness in Thai health systems as well as ensure sustainable health financing.
The cabinet acknowledged the roadmap during its meeting in December last year. It sets nine goals to be achieved in the coming years, which are;
1. Unite healthcare reimbursement system, starting from the healthcare claims for health promotion and disease prevention services, primary care, community/home care, and inpatient care. Currently, there are three healthcare schemes, such as Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS), Social Security Scheme, and Civil Servant Medical Benefits Scheme, run separately by various government agencies.
2. Every government's healthcare scheme shares the same management and reimbursement system as well as benefits package, which will increase Thailand's capacity to handle the future health crises and emerging diseases. The management will include sharing beneficiary registration system, data exchange between healthcare schemes' operators, and collaborative support for health facilities to improve quality and standard of health services.
3. Prioritize health promotion and disease prevention programs. The government shall set the program's budget in separation from the medical treatment budget. The health promotion and disease prevention programs are currently funded by the government's health budget, prioritizing medical treatment rather than health promotion and disease prevention activities despite their considerable benefits on national health security.
4. Expand long-term care program to beneficiaries of all healthcare schemes while increasing its funds to encounter Thailand's aging society. The program is currently available only for UCS beneficiaries.
5. Health insurance must be compulsory for all migrant workers in Thailand. They shall have different options of health insurance.
6. Set the targets and indicators to achieve value-based healthcare. Pilot it in selected health facilities or health region areas.
7. Achieve Universal Coverage for Emergency Patients (UCEP) with a single-payer system, and define the reimbursement rates, terms, and criteria acceptable for state and private hospitals.
8. Establish a health database that includes data people and health services in all healthcare schemes. The data, which shall be shared with relevant parties based on mutual benefits, shall cover vulnerable populations, including elderly and dependent patients.
9. Mining data from the reimbursement system and use it to design effective health systems for all stakeholders.
Dr Jadej Thammatacharee, NHSO deputy secretary-general, said that the NHSO set a subcommittee for moving forward and harmonizing the government's health insurance system to push and monitor the implementation of the reform roadmap. From January 2021 to December 2022, goals number one, five, six, and eight mentioned above will be prioritized.
Dr Akejit Changloa, subcommittee chairman, emphasizes the health promotion and disease prevention programs to reduce diseases' burden.
"To implement the program effectively, we need to increase people's health literacy. We also need to empower vulnerable populations, including people with disabilities and dependent people, to help them move forward with the society," he said.