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International Workshop on
2023 Thai UHC Journey Workshop :
Social Participation in Health Decision-Making
2023 Thai UHC Journey Workshop :
Social Participation in Health Decision-Making
November 27-Dec 1,2023, Bangkok Thailand
The workshop will lead you to discover why “Social Participation is important in health decision making” and “How to institutionalize Social Participation in Thailand”. These will ultimately lead to a better health system.
In addition, the workshop will be a space to meet new networks who interested in a social participation and let’s you be a part of driving this issue at the global level.
The workshop covers 5 elements to institutionalize Social Participation
1.Regular participatory platforms at all levels
2.Capacity Building
3.Financial Resource
4.Laws and regulation
5.Monitoring & Using Data
Background of the workshopIn 2021, WHO has lunched the handbook on ‘Voice, agency, empowerment – handbook on social participation for universal health coverage’ which focus on social participation is an important means for governments to develop responsive health policies and programmes. It is at the heart of the inclusive governance needed for countries to take their individual paths towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) while ensuring that no one is left behind. On the other hand, the participation of people, communities and civil society in health decision-making processes can make policies and programmes more equitable, responsive and efficient, and help to foster trust that can improve service uptake. [1]
The principle of social participation was endorsed in multiple intergovernmental commitments at regional and global levels including SDG target 16.7, the Astana Declaration on Primary Health Care in 2018 and the Political Declaration of the UN High Level Meeting on UHC in 2019. At the WHO regional level, this includes South East Asia Regional Committee (RC) resolution SEA/RC75/C, the Eastern Mediterranean RC resolution on resilience (2022), and the Pan-American RC resolution CD59.R12 on resilience (2021). However, an implementation, especially participation in decision making level are challenges and requires more experience sharing and capacity building.
To create a platform for experience sharing and networking on social participation, five key health organizations of Thailand, composing of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), National Health Security Office (NHSO), Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth), National Health Commission Office, Thailand (NHCO) and the International Health Policy Program (IHPP) in collaboration with the Enhancing Leadership on Global Health-Thailand Programme under the WHO Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS-EnLIGHT) will organize an international workshop on 2023 Thai UHC Journey Workshop under the theme Social Participation in Health Decision-Making, from November 27- December 1,2023, 9.00-16.00 hrs, in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop aims at building capacity of countries to understand and realize importance of social participation in health decision making. Furthermore, the workshop expects the participants can apply the knowledge gained to make real actions based on their country contexts.
[1] https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240027794
Previous workshops
- 2021 Thai UHC Journey Workshop : How Thailand Achieved Good Health at Low Cost? (Online), October 25-29, 2021 click
- 2022 Thai UHC Journey Workshop : Health and well-being in all policies: Thailand experience, November 21-25, 2022, Bangkok Thailand click.
1 Important document
Concept Note The Approval Letter The confirmation Letter2 Important date
2. October 4 ,2023: Announcement of selected participants on the website and by e-mail
3. October 4-30 ,2023: Deadline for attendance confirmation
4. Mid of November, 2023: Orientation date (Online)
5. November 27-Decembwe 1, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand: Workshop date
Apply Here
Contact us;
Miss Khanitta Saeiew and Miss Oranit Orachai at
khanitta@nationalhealth.or.th ; oranit@nationalhealth.or.th