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Philosophy & Background
“Health” is considered as an important component of the “quality of life”
“Health security” is a system of life security which gives a person confidence that they will be able to indulge in appropriate health behavior, and would be able to get complete access to health promotion and disease prevention services. They should also be able to access the quality health services without any obstacles when they are ill and in need of medical care.
“Equity” of health can take place only when those with different social, economical and cultural status have the equal opportunity to get access to quality health care, whereby their responsibility to pay for the expenses should depend on their ability to pay.
“Universal” indicates the basic philosophy under the national health security for which all people should have the right to obtain universal access. For whatever reason, nobody should be left out, oven on one’s own, based on equal respect of the status and right of the human dignity of people.
Background & National Health Security Office (NHSO) : Public Organization to respond to the public good management system
“The National Health Security Office was established in 2002, set up as one of public organizations to respond to the public good management system efficient and knowledge-based, is strongly determined to be part of developing the nation’s sustainability in orientation of public benefits as its ultimate goal. Our responsibility is to create health security for everyone, whereby. “Everyone who lives in Thailand is covered by Universal health Coverage (UHC) and access to health care with confidence when needed”.
The National Health Security Office towards desirable Health care system under UHC system is responsible for develop the service system which is easily accessible, the effective information system for communications, evidence-based system of health care delivery, enable the beneficiary registration facility in accordance with their convenience and necessity, monitoring and evaluation system.
Effective Organization
Implement the result-based management system.
Develop strategic and operational plans in determination of indicators at all levels.
Build up a system of internal auditing and transparency system.
Use information and communication technology to support operational work and public service.
Organization accountable to public
Develop the work administration that is more able to respond to the public.
Open-up for multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder actions participation both public and private sectors as well as civil Society participation as , promote and support volunteers to work for the organization.
Reveal information on the organization’s works and the information that is necessary for the public with transparency through the web site and other means at ease of public accessibility.
Learning Organization
Organize the administration system that is able to support complex and dynamic society.
Develop the matrix feature of management system.
Seek competent human resources and continuously develop them in line with vision, mission and objectives of the organization.
Build a knowledge-base culture to support continuous learning environment and make the personnel voluntarily change their thinking paradigms.